Professor at the Department of Communication Research of the University of the Philippines Diliman College of Mass Communication
Professor Ma. Rosel S. San Pascual, PhD (she/her) is a tenured faculty member of the Department of Communication Research of the University of the Philippines Diliman. She has a PhD in Communication (University of the Philippines Diliman), an MA in Communications and New Media (National University of Singapore), and a Masters in Development Economics (University of the Philippines Diliman). She has an undergraduate degree in Communication Research (University of the Philippines Diliman, magna cum laude) and was a Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society Awardee.
While Professor San Pascual has over two decades of experience in conceptualizing, implementing, publishing, and disseminating both quantitative and qualitative research studies, she primarily teaches quantitative research methods, measurement and sampling, and quantitative data analysis in both undergraduate and graduate levels. Her research interests cover the areas of communication and new media, online discourse, media habits and behaviors, media effects, political communication, health communication, family communication, youth, LGBTQIA+, and transnational migration.
Professor San Pascual is a member of the Philippine Media Monitoring Laboratory of the UP Department of Communication Research. She is also serving as the President of the Board of the Philippine Association for Communication and Media Researchers Inc. (PACMRI) and Treasurer of the Board of Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society – Philippine Alpha Chapter. She has also been recently appointed as Book Reviews Editor of the Asian Journal of Communication.
Labor, J.S.J. & San Pascual, M.R.S. (2023). Pakikipagkapwa in the LGBTQIA+ movement for the enactment of the SOGIE Equality Bill. In P. Pain (Ed.), Global LGBTQ activism: Social media, digital technologies, and protest mechanisms. New York and London: Routledge.
Labor, J.S.J. & San Pascual, M.R.S. (2022). Online discourse framing of LGBTQ+ student activism in the Philippines. In P. Pain (Ed.), LGBTQ digital cultures: A global perspective. New York: Routledge.
San Pascual, M.R.S. (2020). The climate of incivility in Philippine Daily Inquirer’s social media environment. Plaridel (17)1, 171-201.
San Pascual, M.R.S. (2019). Harnessing the Potential of Communication to Address the Challenges of Transnational Family Separation. In Dutta, M. and Zapata, D. (Eds.), Communicating for social change: Intersection of theory and praxis (pp. 155-172). Singapore: Palgrave-McMillan.
David, C.C., San Pascual, M.R.S., & Torres, M.E.S. (2019). Reliance on Facebook for news and its influence on political engagement. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0212263.
David, C.C. & San Pascual, M.R.S. (2016). Predicting Vote Choice for Celebrity and Political Dynasty Candidates in Philippine National Elections, Philippine Political Science Journal, 37 (2) pp. 82-93. DOI: 10.1080/01154451.2016.1198076
San Pascual, M.R.S. (2016). The Paradoxes in the Mobile Parenting Experiences of Filipino Mothers in Diaspora. In S.S.Lim (Ed.), Mobile communication and the family – Asian experiences in technology domestication (pp. 147 164). Dodrecht: Springer.
San Pascual, M.R.S. (2015). Scoping the Literature on the Influence Potential of Celebrity Political Endorsers, PCS Review, pp. 117-134.
David, C.C. & San Pascual, M.R.S. (2015), Who votes for dynastic candidates? Philippine Senatorial Elections. In R.U. Mendoza, et. al. (Eds.), Building inclusive democracies in ASEAN (pp. 102-118). Manila: Anvil.
San Pascual, M.R.S. (2014), Mobile Parenting and Global Mobility: The Case of Filipino Migrant Mothers. In X. Xu (Ed), Interdisciplinary mobile media and communications: Social, political and economic implications (pp. 194-212). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6166- 0.ch011
San Pascual, M.R.S. (2014), Living Through the Parameters of Technology: Filipino Mothers in Diaspora and Their Mediated Parenting Experiences, Plaridel, 11 (1) pp. 77-104.
Pernia, E.M., Pernia, E.E., Ubias, J.L., & San Pascual, M.R.S. (2014), International migration, remittances, and economic development. Manila: De La Salle University Press.
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